Vikings On-Line
Les Vikings sur Internet



Les styles vikings

Jeff Clarke (Hafgrim Gunnarson), 1996

Viking Ornamentation Styles


La symbolique animale dans l'art viking

Christie Ward (Gunnora Hallakarva), The Viking Answer Lady, Gunnora @

Amplification of Meaning in Germanic Poetry Through the Use of the Beasts of Battle Theme

Le loup, l'aigle et le corbeau: les animaux de bataille



Arts du bois

Portails des églises "en bois debout" (Norvège)

Tom Bjørnstad, Medieval Scandinavia

The Wooden Heritage - The Stave Church: "The Stave Church Portals"

Portails des églises de Hylestad, Urnes, Fåberg et Hemsedal

D. L. Ashliman, Pittsburgh University , Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas

"The Sigurd Portal"


Le travail du bois à l'époque viking

Christie Ward (Gunnora Hallakarva), The Viking Answer Lady, Gunnora @

Woodworking in the Viking Age

Les outils, l'assemblage, la sculpture, le mobilier, finitions et peinture, bibliogaphie


Arts de l'ivoire, de l'os, de la corne

Peignes, épingles, dés, etc.

Dan Carlsson, Gotland University College
Fröjel Newsletter, vol. 2, 1, 1998: "Excavations in Fröjel 1987-1990"

"Combs", "Pins and prickers", "Playing pieces and dices"

Coffrets et reliquaires en ivoire sculpté

Christie Ward, The Viking Answer Lady. Gunnora @

"Carved Ivory Caskets and Reliquaries of Early Northern Europe"


Arts du métal


Lee A. Jones, Mediaeval Sword Resource Site

Mediaeval Sword Virtual Museum, Viking Age , 1997

Regia Anglorum

Ben Levick & Roland Williamson, "Arms and Armour of the Anglo-Saxon and Viking Age", 1991/1999

Tom Bjørnstad, Medieval Scandinavia

The Viking Chieftain of Gjermundbu: "The Helmet" & "The Sword"



Niels Jørgen Jensen & Mogens Skjoldager

Dansk Mønt / Danish Coins


Staffan Rosvall, extrait de Meddelande från Klinte Hembygdsförening 1978. Gotlandweb

"Mynt funna i Klinte socken": Trouvailles monétaires de la région de Klinte


Thor-Egil Paulsen, The Viking Heritage, The Viking Network, 1995

"The Vikings and Money in England" et "Vikings in Norway make their own Coins"


Garfield Sagamaster, Viking Age Club, Valhalla's Svar, Nordic Society and Culture, 1996

"From Cows to Coins: The Changing Faces of Scandinavian Currency"



John Sheehan, University College Cork, Revue Archaeology Ireland, 1995

"Silver and Gold Hoards: Status, Wealth and Trade in the Viking Age"

Dan Carlsson, Gotland University College
Fröjel Discovery Newsletter, vol. 3, 1999

"Jewellery and parts of Jewellery"

Vibeke & Peter Christian Hansen / TURM, Copenhague, Danemark
The Viking Trader, 2000

"Viking Jewellery" (reproductions de bijoux vikings avec dessin et référence aux originaux)

Johannes Lovhaug, Apollon - Research Magazine from the University of Oslo, 3-2001

"The gold hoard and its secrets" (article illustré sur les bijoux et parures en or du trésor de Hoen)




Arts de la pierre

Croix vikings de l'île de Man


Maureen Costain Richards.

The Manx Crosses

Croix de l'ìle de Man, mises en couleurs par une artiste; traduction des runes


Croix vikings de l'East Anglia

British Archaeology, n° 23, April 1997

Phil Sidebottom, "Monuments that mark out Viking land"

Article sur les croix vikings du Xe siècle et leur signification historique


Gravures rupestres

D. L. Ashliman, Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas, Pittsburgh University, 1996

Sigurd Runestone - La pierre runique de Sigurd à Ramsundsberget (Suède)


Pierres historiées du Gotland

The Viking Home Page

"Picture Stones, Gotland (east coast of Sweden)"

Pierre historiée d'Alskog Tjängvide, Gotland


Länsmuseet på Gotland

"The Picture Stones at the Historical Museum of Gotland"

18 pierres historiées photographiées, datées et commentées (découverte, motifs, etc.)


D. L. Ashliman, Germanic Myths, Legens, and Sagas, Pittsburgh University, 1996

"Heathen Monuments", chapitre "Runestones and Picture Stones from Scandinavia. A Selection of Photographs"

Page "Picture stone discovered at Stora Hammars, Lärbro, Gotland, Sweden"
Page "
Picture stone discovered at Tjängvide on the Sweden island of Gotland"


Tore Granholm, in Gutamas historia, Jakten på den sjunka skatten, 1996

"Bildstenens gåta"


"Meddelande från Klinte hembygdsförening 1983: Bildstenar", Klinte Hembygdsförening, Gotlandweb

Extrait de Staffan Rosvall sur les pierres historiées du Gotland


"Sensational find in Fröjel, Gotland". Viking Heritage News, July 1999

Article du Gotlands Tidningar relatant la découverte d'une nouvelle pierre historiée





The Margaretologist 9 (1), 21, 1996, part 2

Post-Roman Europe, Viking

Dan Carlsson, Gotland University College, Fröjel Newsletter, vol. 4, 1999

"Glass and beads at Fröjel"

Christie Ward, The Viking Answer Lady.

Viking Beads and Necklaces


Arts du textile

La tapisserie de Bayeux


Glen C., The Battle of Hastings 1066

The Bayeux Tapestry


Australian National University, programme Rubens (imageserve)

The Bayeux Tapestry


University of Pittsburgh, Prof. Alison Stones

HA&A 0240: Medieval Artistic Patronage. William the Conqueror's time: Bayeux Tapestry, 1997







Dernière mise à jour : 9 avril 2006

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