Vikings On-Line
Les Vikings sur Internet



Mythologie et religion

M.F. Lindemans, The Encyclopedia Mythica. An encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legend

"Norse mythology"

Plus de 100 brèves notices sur la mythologie nordique



Nicole Cherry

"Norse Mythology"

Introduction, liste des dieux, cosmogonie, les 9 mondes, Ragnarok, sagas, questions diverses, liens et sources



John Fisher's Medea.

"Bulfinch's Mythology. The Age of Fable"
Northern Mythology"

3 chapitres de la Mythologie de Thomas Bulfinch (1796-1867), agrémentés de nombreux liens avec d'autres sites actuels sur la mythologie nordique



Johannes Persson, Sweden, "The nordic mythology"

Pages "Old Norse Mythology", "An Essay about Loki" & "Loki in the Eddas"



Viking Age Club, Valhalla's Svar Articles, Norse Religion

Eric A. Anderson, Old Norse Religion, pages "Ours Friends the Dwarfs"
Loki's Children. The Evil to Come" & "Mjollnir"



D. L. Ashliman, Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas, Pittsburgh University, 1996

The Gods' Home Page: Balder, Frey, Gefion, Odin, Thor



Sigurd Towrie, Orkneyjar - The heritage of orkney islands

"The Odin Stone"



G.F. Black, in D. L. Ashliman, Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas, Pittsburgh University, 1996

"Heathen Monuments", chapitre "The Stone of Odin"














Dernière mise à jour : 9 avril 2006

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